Photos that tell a story: The Right Action To Take Photo

With the constant movements in world, it is difficult to keep a track of memories, moments and all the happenings. But thanks to technology! Now we can freeze time in pictures. Photos are not merely pictures if happy faces. They become a special part of our memories. Photos that tell a story are the special ones. And always remain close to our hearts. It is even ironic! How some pictures can define the expressions which words can’t!

Today, we dedicate this special article to all the photo lovers. To those, who wish to capture all the happy-sad moments with one click. Come along and dive into the world of photography.

How to Take Pictures that Tell a Story

Pictures are often special, keeping a safe place in our heart. They can be a great tool of storytelling. How simple it just sounds! A one single click and the moment freezes in your camera. Preserving the special occasions and feeling the feel all over again and again. But those who are professionals know the real struggle of capturing the perfect picture! Do you also wish to how to take a photo that tells a story? If you also aspire to click that perfect picture, a photo that tells a story then we have got you covered with these simple tips.

  • Series of photos that tell a story can only be well captured when you clearly understand your subject.
  • You may need to time more than expected to find the right moment to get a great click.
  • With a great click, come great efforts such as using the correct lighting.
  • photos that tell a story are not merely photos. They emotions. Instead of capturing photos, capture the emotions.

Plan the pictures you want to take

Photos that tell a story

We are in the age of smartphone where clicking the picture is a matter to simple snapshot. However, to get series of photos that tell a story is not easy as it may sound. But how to take a photo that tells a story? Answer is simple. Make a good plan for the moments you wish to capture. Planning is extremely important in world of photography. Here is why-

  • The intention and purpose can be sorted beforehand with good planning.
  • A photographer can get a good vision and then get creative
  • Planning may help you set your equipment.
  • And of course, the right set of time and location is a must before you embark on your photography journey.

Read also: Great Reads in Photography

Scope out the Scene

Photography can be a little like being a detective. Just how a great detective investigates the scene. The same a good photographer scope out the scene before capturing the moments. Before you press shutter on your camera, take a good look at the landscape. Survey the scene carefully. Take time and scope out the surroundings. This will help you improve your photo quality and help you capture the photos that tell a story. Remember these key points-

  • Identify the elements that makes your photo interesting.
  • Get a good frame.
  • Try to remove the distractions, if any.

Landscape vs. Details for Pictures That Tell a Story

The versatile art form of photography isn’t easy to acquire. If you also wish to capture the series of photos that tell a story then try to adapt to these two approaches: Landscape and Details.

Landscape photography: This concerns the surroundings and environment of your subject. It is the mastery of capturing the broader setting and getting the context. Landscape can also help one evoke the emotions. Misty mountain with sunrise, beach with the sunset. All of them are responsible for pushing in the emotions in your subject and surroundings.

Detail photography: This kind of photography focuses more on the tiny details rather than the big picture. Highlighting those small details that we often miss. It helps to reveal the textures, emotions or simply a story. It may capture tears, fine smile wrinkles, worn out wedding rings or other such details that may be speak out loud.

Add Some Interest

While capturing your best shot, do not forget to add some interest. Afterall, you are on the hunt of capturing a photo that tells a story. Here are some tips for you to master the art and interest in your pictures.

  • Choose a subject that compel and evoke curiosity among viewers.
  • Get into details along with landscape photography. Try to hide a story within your picture.
  • Experiment with techniques of compositions.
  • Add your own perspective, shapes, patterns, etc.
  • Use camera techniques like camera depth, blurring, focal point, etc.
  • Guide viewers with leading lines elements.

Keep in mind ALL of a Story's Elements

Last but not the least. A photo that tells a story, can be completed only when you added story’s element to it. try to build a story using your photography. From your subjects to the setting. The composition and landscaping. The details and story arc. Involve everything! Capture the emotions with the right timings, add some colours and contrast. And do not forget the post picture editing but keep it real and keep it fresh.

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